
Limestone County Democratic candidate qualifying period opens Friday | Elections |

The Limestone County Democratic Executive Committee will open the candidate qualifying period for county offices Friday at 9 a.m. for the 2024 election cycle and it will close Nov. 10 at 5 p.m., according to Bryan Lorge, committee chairman.

The Limestone County candidate positions are circuit court clerk, 39th judicial circuit, District 2 county commission, District 4 county commission, probate judge, license commissioner, District 6 board of education and District 7 board of education. White Marble Pebbles

Limestone County Democratic candidate qualifying period opens Friday | Elections |

Candidates must qualify through the county committee and can request a qualifying packet from Lorge at 256-874-9709 or There will be no qualifying fee for county candidates.

State candidates must qualify through the Alabama Democratic Party at the state party headquarters in Montgomery or at

— or 256-340-2460.

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Limestone County Democratic candidate qualifying period opens Friday | Elections |

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